Åk 4
English – Most common words
Most Common English Words (Source: https:// 7esl.com/common-words/?fbclid=IwAR1YExgDL-p28ix_a7sm7nWUO8_w-y3K2q_erIDbyEIP1TD7pSBvR7MozwI)
English – My Letter
PART 1: Informal letter Write an informal letter to your teacher and introduce yourself. Make a mind map. Make a…
English – Top 10 Facts
Hi, It’s time to practice our reading skills again. This time we will read informative texts from Fun Kids Live.…
English – Dialogues British Council Teens
Hi, It’s time to practice our speaking skills. To get started, we will read dialogues from British Council Learn English…
English – Guess the Animal
Hi, It’s time to practice our speaking skills. You will listen to 30 animals and how they sound. Can you…
English – Rewrite Stories
Hi, It’s time to practice our writing skills. I have three quite boring texts. And I’ll teach you how to…
#lästill1000 – 2021
Hej! Nu drar vi igång läsårets första läsutmaning. Det handlar om att du ska läsa 1000 minuter (eller mer), hemma och…
English – Little Red Riding Hood
Reading and understanding Hello, It’s time to read Little Red Riding Hood – and show your understanding. A European fairy…
English – Introduction
Hi, Let’s start with a game – “Who am I?”. Look at the picture. Try to find out “who I…
Mattegym – Multiplikation och division med 10, 100 och 1000
Hej alla matematiker! Dagligen tränar vi våran matematiska mind med hjälp av olika matte-utmaningar, men viste du att du kan…