”The Magic Finger”,
by Roald Dahl.
Let’s read ”The Magic Finger” and talk what it’s all about. What happens when the girl puts the magic finger on someone?
You will get a copy of the book, or a photo copy to take notes. You can listen to the audio book on Youtube <TMF Part 1> <TMF Part 2> <TMF Part 3>.
At the same time we are doing some grammar work. I’ll teach you some regular and irregular verbs. And different activities in ”Attack your Grammar 1”, a work book.
Week 35
Read page: 1-2-3-4-5-6.
Attack your Grammar 1: Chapter 5.
Finnish: ”Verbtallrikar”
Week 36
Read page: 7-8-9-10-11-12-13.
Attack your Grammar 1: Chapter 6.
Finnish: ”Verbtallrikar”
Questions: 6.) What happened to the Gregg family the next day? 7.) Who is in the garden?
Questions: 8.) The Gregg family builds a new home. What does it look like? 9.) The Gregg family is hungry. What are they eating? 10.) What happens inside their house?
Questions 1-15: TMFht22_questions
”Verbtallrikar”, a Swedish expression.
My students get paper plates with verbs on. WALK, on one side, and WALK/WALKED/WALKED (gå/gick/gått) on the other side. They practice in pairs. And at the end of the lesson I bring all the plates to the door. On the way out they all get a plate.
A Test – reading comprehension and verb check!
This time my students get scores. I know that they work harder then, with each question.