It’s time for us to get to know all the characters in Flight 29 Down. Every week we will watch two episodes, one at school and one at home. Make a short summary and get to know all the characters. We will discuss the story, every Friday, in groups.
”A group of teens are stranded on an island in the South Pacific after they crash their plane in a tropical storm. They were on their way to a camping adventure together. A video camera, powered by a solar battery charger, allows the kids to talk about themselves and their difficult everyday struggles, the island, and each other.”
UPPGIFT: Titta på serien ”Flight 29 Down” på Youtube, två avsnitt varje vecka. Ett hemma som läxa och ett i skolan, tillsammans varje fredag. Gör korta anteckningar samtidigt som du tittar, eller direkt efter. Anteckna ord, uttryck, händelser, personer osv för att kunna återberätta vad avsnittet handlade om. Du ska kunna samtala med en grupp elever om innehållet. Och avslutningsvis ska du kunna skriva en text på engelska om valfria delar i serien. Varje fredag börjar vi med att återberätta avsnittet som alla har tittat på hemma. Sedan tittar vi på veckans avsnitt tillsammans, antecknar och samtalar om innehållet i små grupper. Ibland finns det frågor att samtala om, eller bildstöd eller ord att kunna använda i samtalet.
MÅL: (1) Kunna lyssna, läsa, titta och förstå. (2) Kunna samtala om innehållet i serien. (3) Kunna anteckna och skriva egna sammanfattande texter. (4) Kunna kommentera, reflektera och jämföra.
BEDÖMNING: Under vecka 16 görs en samlad bedömning av arbetet (1-4). En skriftlig provuppgift avslutar arbetsområdet.
PLANNING (week 8-17)
(Watch together in class, to get started) Episode 1 – The Arrival. Assignment: Make a short summary. Who is who?
(Watch together in class, to get started) Episode 2 – The Quest for Fire. Assignment: Make a short summary. Questions: Who is who? Look at the picture and tell their names and what you know about them.
Episode 3 – It’s Lonely at the Top. Assignment: Make a short summary. Questions: Why did XX become the leader? How are they going to get water and food? Discuss in groups!
WEEK 10 (week 9 is sportlov)
(Watch at home, and take notes) Episode 4: Not a Drop to Drink. They are looking for fresh water. Did they find any? How? Question: What is everyone in charge of?
(Watch together in class) Watch Episode 5: Fish Story. Take short notes in your notebook.
Group discussions: What would you miss if you were lost on a deserted island? What would be your super skill in this situation? Who is sending Cody secret messages? And why?
Explain what is happening and what you think about the situations:
(Watch at home, and take notes) Episode 6 – The Pits. Assignment: Make a short summary. Question: How does everyone in the group react to the water situation?
On Friday we will watch episode 7 and discuss the story in groups.
<<< Blog post >>> Hi,
Today we are watching Episode 7 together in class. But before that, let’s talk about Episode 6: The Pit. What do you remember? Make a summary.
(Watch together in class) Watch Episode 7: The Cry of the Wolf. Take short notes in your notebook.
Group discussions: Why are they digging a pit? Why is Daley so angry with Taylor? Lex found som emergency equipment. What? What secret is Melissa talking about in her video diary?
Tell everyone in your group: Something I like… Something I dislike I have a question… Well I do a connection to…
WEEK 12 (week 13-14 is påsklov)
<<< Blog post >>> Hi,
Today we are watching Episode 9: “Mazeathon” together in class. But before that, let’s talk about Episode 8: Survival of the Fittest. What does the title mean? What do you remember? Make a summary.
(Watch together in class) Watch Episode 9: Mazeathon Take short notes in your notebook.
Group discussions: How many days have they been on the island? What is the plan with the raft? Why are Cody and Nathan arguing? What is a “Mazeathon”? How are they all going to get rescued? How can you send a message from the island? Com up with 5 ideas!
<<< Blog post >>> Hi,
Today we are watching Episode 11: “Mazeathon” together in class. But before that, let’s talk about Episode 10: Eight is Enough. What does the title mean? What do you remember? Who is Abbey? Make a summary.
(Watch together in class) Watch Episode 11: Abby Normal Take short notes in your notebook.
Group discussions: What happened to Abby?
This week we will talk about how to write a text in English. How do you get started? How do you structure a text? How do you make it interesting to read? Check out this blog post about writing:
A test. Write a text about ”Flight 29 Down”. Follow the instruction. You write on your iPad/Computer and uses DigiExam to hand in your text. Time limit is 50 minutes. Download the test here: Flight28Down_test