It’s time to read, and present, ”The Week Junior” – news from Around the World. There are 10 news each week from different countries. You will work in pairs/small groups, with one text each.
All students get their own copy of Around the World.
Work in pairs/groups. Each pair/group get one news each, and ONE note book.
Read the text carefully, and check your understanding.
Read it aloud, and check your pronunciation.
– Write the full text in your note book.
– Translate it.
– Write a question, about the content of your news.
Record yourself (”Röstmemo” on the iPad) while reading the text and your question.

Lesson 2
Work in pairs.
Do the ”About-10-test” test. 10 words/expressions to match with 10 texts.
Continue work from lesson 1.
Read the other news.
Lesson 3
Work in pairs.
Do the Quiz.
– Listen to your friends reading the news.
– Answer questions on paper.
Work with chapter X in Attack Your Grammar 2.
YT: Tour the World