As the fanfic writer, you get to throw your favorite characters into different “what if” situations.

(Kort sammanfattning av arbetet på svenska: FANFICTION_planering)
(Students work: fanfic2024_spara_LP)
I’m planning to do a FanFiction reading and writing project starting with three folk tales.
Read all the three tales: ”The Three Little Pigs”, Little Red Riding Hood” and ”Jack and the Beanstalk”. Choose one of them.
What is your own fan story? What do you love to read? Watch? Play? Think hard.
Choose your fan story.

Make a mood board! Google your fan story and your folk tale and make a mood board – a collection af inspirational images to spark your creativity.
What story do you want to tell? What do you want to change? Add? Develop? Think hard and make a plan before you get started.

– Crossover. Mix the two stories. (Little Red Riding Hood falls in love with Luke Skywalker…)
– Alternate surroundings. (Little Red Riding Hood in a galaxy far far away…)
– Retell the story from a different characters perspective. (What if we got to know the story behind the wolf?)
– Events that might have taken place before, or after, the original work. (Little Red Riding Hood at day care, or working somewhere…)
– New relationships. (Little Red Riding Hood and Princess Leia…)

Google ”img2go” to make mash-up AI-images.
Students work in progress:
Listen to ”Lil’ Red Riding Hood” on Spotify!!
Fairy Tales Word List: FanFiction (fairy tale) word test